Grow Day Camps
Bringing camp ministry to local churches, Grow Day Camps provides staff, counselors, and curriculum to approximately 30 churches across north Georgia every summer. As the name suggests, Grow is designed to encourage campers to grow — spiritually, socially, and individually.
Station16 was asked to develop an identity for this program while it was still in the planning stages. We met with NGCRM staff and listened to their vision and goals for this new ministry. Our goal was to produce an identity that would appeal to elementary-school-age campers, their parents, and potential host churches.
We grounded the logomark within the logotype, with the three leaves connoting the three types of growth as well as the Holy Trinity. A bright yellow in the color palette adds playfulness and sunshine to the natural greens and browns. Our brand guidelines cover how to employ the brand in a variety of physical and digital formats — from screens to banners to shirts.
Grow Day Camps required only a micro website to start, as interested parents would be funneled to individual host churches, but that one page needed to be visually appealing while conveying info about every camp site. A web loop video in the header draws the viewer in immediately, and the bright colors of the Grow palette are employed to great effect.The site is structured on the back end to accommodate future growth. As Grow…grows, its website is ready to expand to as many pages as needed. The site is also part of the NGCRM multisite.Video
Station16 has conducted multiple video shoots at several Grow sites in order to capture the full range of day camp activities and experiences. Extensive B-roll, interviews, and music are combined to create a brand video representative of the Grow experience.Photography
Extensive photography aims to capture both large and small aspects of Grow Day Camps, from the thrill of climbing a large tree to the concentration of aiming an arrow at the center of a bullseye. Our photography also addresses such practical concerns as representing the range of activities offered, showing demographic diversity, and highlighting the different host churches.