Students who are accepted into the ELI program attend a week-long training week at a college campus before putting their lessons into practice as counselors for Grow Day Camps. “ELIs” are both students and teachers — learning about themselves as they approach adulthood and also guiding younger children in their own spiritual development.
Station16 was asked to develop an identity for this program while it was still in the planning stages. We met with NGCRM staff and listened to their vision and goals for this new ministry. Our mission was to develop an identity that would appeal to teenagers, conveying the fun of the experience but also the significance of it.
The program staff were quickly drawn to the imagery of a compass. ELI participants learn how to navigate their own lives as they venture toward adulthood, while leading Grow campers in their own journeys of faith and personal growth. The brown in the palette connects ELI to its sister program, Grow Day Camps, while the burnt orange sets it apart.
Station16 created a micro website for ELI, but with the back-end structure to allow for future expansion. A web loop video in the header quickly shows the visitor what ELI is about, and photos throughout the page enhance and add to the textual information. The site is also part of the NGCRM multisite.
Station16 has striven to capture the entire ELI experience, conducting multiple video shoots at Leader Week and at several Grow camps in order to see the ELIs in training and in action. Extensive B-roll, interviews, and music are combined to create a brand video representative of the ELI ministry and brand.Photography
Extensive photography aims to capture the breadth of the ELI program, from classrooms to games to worship. Our photography also addressed such pragmatic concerns as accurately representing the range of activities as well as participants’ racial diversity.